Node.js documentation

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, server-side runtime environment that enables developers to build fast, scalable, and efficient applications using JavaScript on the server-side. The Node.js documentation is an essential resource for anyone looking to learn or improve their Node.js skills. In this article, we will explore how to get started with Node.js documentation.

Step 1: Choose the right version

The Node.js documentation is available for various versions of Node.js. It is essential to choose the right version that matches your installed version. You can find the version number of your Node.js installation by running the following command in the terminal:
node -v

Once you have identified the version number, you can select the appropriate version of the documentation by visiting the Node.js website and clicking on the “Docs” tab. From there, you can select the version of Node.js you are using.

Step 2: Explore the Table of Contents

The Node.js documentation is organized into various topics, including core modules, APIs, and tools. The Table of Contents is the best place to start exploring the documentation. It provides a comprehensive list of all the available topics and sub-topics, making it easy to find what you are looking for.

Step 3: Read the Guides

The Guides section of the Node.js documentation provides step-by-step tutorials and walkthroughs that cover various aspects of Node.js development. The guides are designed to help you get started with Node.js quickly and provide you with practical examples that you can follow along with.

Some of the most popular guides include:

  • Getting Started: A guide to installing Node.js and creating your first Node.js application.
  • Node.js for Beginners: A comprehensive guide to Node.js development for beginners.
  • Node.js Streams: A guide to using Node.js streams for efficient data processing.

Step 4: Use the API Reference

The API Reference is a comprehensive list of all the Node.js APIs and their documentation. It provides detailed information about each API, including its syntax, parameters, return values, and examples.

The API Reference is an essential resource for developers who want to learn more about Node.js APIs and how to use them in their applications. It is also useful for experienced developers who need quick access to API documentation.

Step 5: Search for Keywords

If you are looking for specific information, you can use the search bar in the documentation to search for keywords. The search bar is located at the top of the documentation page and allows you to search for keywords across all topics and sub-topics.

Using the search bar can save you time and help you find the information you need quickly.


Getting started with Node.js documentation is essential for anyone looking to learn or improve their Node.js skills. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can choose the right version of the documentation, explore the table of contents, read the guides, use the API reference, and search for keywords. With these resources at your disposal, you can become a proficient Node.js developer and build fast, scalable, and efficient applications.